Adam Smith is generally regarded as the founder of modern economics. Adam Smith advocated the capitalist free enterprise system, based on the belief that men are motivated by rational self-interest. His book "Wealth of Nations" became a standard text book for economists throughout the Western world
It drove a wedge between the Muslim and Hindu soldiers. It was indias first attempt to get independance from the britains. it increased power of the east india comppany
"background radiation" because if looked at right it can show u how old it is and since the big bang caused and enormous amount of light to come off it left a lot of radiator behind.
hope this is the correct answer.
tbh i haven't studied much about this so i had a little help
They exported teas<span>, </span>salt<span>, </span>sugar<span>, </span>porcelain<span>, and </span><span>spices
They imported </span>cotton<span>, </span>ivory<span>, </span>wool<span>, </span>gold<span>, and </span><span>silver</span>