Mis amigos dar muchas fiestas.
Juanita esta cansada. va a tomar una siesta.
Yo saber el poema de memoria.
On Christmas Eve families celebrate together and eat the main Christmas meal. It is made of several traditional dishes, but it always includes some Guatemalan tamales. In some regions they are made of corn and other of rice or potatoes. They can be sweet or not, and have several different ingredients inside like olives, prunes, peppers, chicken or pork. Everyone waits until midnight to light hundreds of fireworks or firecrackers to celebrate the birth of Jesus. A family prayer is said around the tree and it is the custom to open the presents shortly after midnight.
Answer: Good Morning! My name is Graciela and I am from Panama City, in the
Republic of Panama. It is a very beautiful country. My school is very good.
It's called the Cultural Institute. I like studying. Many students son
international My friend Juan is from Lima, Peru. Juan likes to play
football. I like to ride a skateboard better. My friend Silvia is from Buenos
Aires, Argentina. She likes to draw and read. We like to
hang out with friends and listen to music or watch television. The
Saturdays we like to rent DVDs and buy pizzas.
Explanation: like that?
I recommend that they wear shorts because it's very hot in the summer.
This is the translation for that sentence.
I hope this helps - Maria S.
Me gustan los libros
A los profesores les gustan las preguntas.
Te gusta el trabajo
Al estudiante le gusta descansar.
A Fred le gustan los cuadernos.
Nos gusta la pizarra.
A los estudiantes les gusta jugar basquetbol
A la Sra. Smith le gusta jugar al ajedrez y viajar.
A Fred y al profesor les gustan las pruebas.
A ellos les gusta la mochila.