B. In horizontal rock layers, each layer is younger than the one below it
Law of superposition, a major principle of stratigraphy stating that within a sequence of layers of sedimentary rock, the oldest layer is at the base and that the layers are progressively younger with ascending order in the sequence. ... It is one of the great general principles of geology..
B. Colony collapse disorder
Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is an abnormal phenomenon that occurs when the majority of worker bees in a honey bee colony disappear, leaving behind a queen, plenty of food, and a few nurse bees to care for the remaining immature bees.
It is known as diuretics. Diuretics or can additionally be called water pills are drugs intended to build the measure of water and salt removed from the body as pee. There are three kinds of medicine diuretics. They're frequently recommended to help treat hypertension, yet they're utilized for different conditions too.
B. 7
Nitrogen's atomic number is 7.
*an element's atomic number is both its number of protons and electrons*
*to find an element's amount of neutrons, subtract its atomic number from its atomic weight*
Option B
Answer A is incorrect as the data is not analyzing how many fish each lake has, but rather the pelvic score of the fish. Answer C is incorrect as the graph shows that the fish in Frog Lake are complete, and that there are 0 fish that have reduced or absent pelvic scores, therefore the fish don't have varying pelvic structures. Answer D is incorrect because the data is not analyzing the size of the fish and again is only analyzing the pelvic score of the fish. This being said by process of elimination the answer would be option B, as the fish in Bear Paw Lack lack complete pelvic spines but rather have reduced or absent pelvic spines.