Many economists felt that the reparations demanded from Germany were excessive and counterproductive. Operating from the principle of permanently weakening Germany, France was particularly keen on punishing Germany and limiting its ability to wage war. This approach, however, backfired because reparations were so severe Germany plunged into economic chaos. This situation allowed for the rise of Adolf Hitler and planted the seeds for WWII.
Answer:C.Tribal leaders were detained in Texas.
The Caddoes, The Coahuiltecans, The Karankawas, The Wichitas thats all i know.
Your answer is C.
Military tribunes were originally infantry commanders. Under the early republic there were six to a legion; some were appointed by the consuls (chief executives) or military commanders, and others were elected by the people. Under the empire he military tribune was a preliminary part of a senatorial or an equestrian career and subject to the emperor’s nomination. Tribunes commanded bodyguard units and auxiliary cohorts.
I hope this helps :)
During the Progressive Era, women fought for rights , such as suffrage, or the right to vote. In reform, women worked to change the workplace, labor conditions, health, and safety. Due to all the progressors ( **A term used for men of that era**) going to war with Germany in WW1 women took over the industrial work space and many also worked towards attaining social reform to increase gender equality. The female role was drastically chacterized as equal to men after that point in time.