The correct answer to which topic sentence one would expect to read after the boxes from the chart presented is "Limiting time spent texting will protect your wellness".
The chart elaborates, by presenting <em>facts</em>, that<em> texting can be dangerous to one's health.</em> It presents the<em> "dangers of texting too much"</em>, with arguments like <em>"stiff neck from constantly looking down at phone, texting thumb numbness from overuse, and eyestrain can cause headaches and dry eyes"</em>. Therefore, the expected conclusion from the chart would be "Limiting time spent texting will protect your wellness", since texting too much can cause several damages.
The correct answer couldn't be "<em>Texting is the leading cause of injury in teenagers"</em> because there is <em>nothing in the chart pointing to a leading cause of teenage injuries specifically.</em> So, that couldn't be the correct answer.
The correct answer couldn't be <em>"People who text while driving can cause accidents" </em>because, <em>although that could be inferred from the chart, it is not its main idea.</em> So, that couldn't be the correct answer to which topic one would expect to read after the boxes from the chart presented.