You should look at web sources that have recently been updated because a lot of times new information is present that could change the original point/evidence. This could discredit the source. You also should do this because the newer the information, the more credible it is in the time (older information could easily be outdated).
One subject, one verb -- simple sentence
2 or more simple sentences, put together with a semi-colon or comma or conjunction -- compound sentence
one independent clause, one or more dependent clauses -- complex sentence
2 or more independent clauses and 1 or more dependent ones -- compound-complex sentences
The answer is A hope this helps
The farm is in Pennsylvania. It is near Gettysburg.
Garulo went to Argentina, and he learned about Falabella horses there.
They look like full-sized horses, but they are the size of dogs.
They are very tame, and they seem to enjoy performing.
Visitors can watch the miniature horses jump. These animals also dance and pull tiny wagons.