Actuary, statistician, mathematician, financial analyst, econonmist, data science, meterorologist, geographer, and etc.
Mathematical knowledge is very important in STEM jobs. They need math to treat patients, understand medical test, and operate medical equiptment.
1. We have a chicken in our backyard that likes to eat corn. 2. I like to eat corn, but it is a little different. Or.... 1. In our backyard we have a chicken that likes to eat corn. 2. I like to eat corn, but it is a little different. I would say the second option is probably better if you are looking for the exact wording of the sentence given in the picture.
He wished people would attend to details. :)
illustrates the assembly line principle of making things faster.
The assembly line principle illustrates the process in which the production is managed and the way it helps in the completion of the product. In this process the manufacturing process is broke up into simpler steps. The labor involved in the manufacturing of the product is divided.
In the given excerpt, fast food restaurants like Burger King, Pizza Hut and Mc Donald's presented their products like the factories. They adopt the method the assembly line for the purpose.