Solar power drives Earth's climate. Energy from the Sun heats the surface, warms the atmosphere, and powers the ocean currents.
Martha has a widow's peak (dominant trait) and attached earlobes (recessive trait).
Martha's dad had a straight hairline (ww) and unattached earlobes (Ee, because she has the recessive alleles ee and both parents give us one allele).
This tells you that martha has a mother with at least one of both alleles dominant for widow peak and at least one recesive allele of attached earlobes
So, martha's alleles are: Ww and ee.
If she marries a man that is heterozygous for both traits (Ww and Ee) the probabilitys are
Ww Ee x Ww ee: WWEe, WwEe, wWee, and wwee
Turner Syndrome
When someone only inherits only the X chromosome, their karyotype symbol for that will be XO. Symptoms of Turner Syndrome include "short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects."
1. DNA and RNA I'm pretty sure