Yes. I will describe her living situation as wretched. This is because her living in abject filth and squalor denotes that she is very poor, unpleasant, miserable and unable to provide basic life's necessities. These are the marks of wretchedness.
Filth refers to something that is dirty, offensive and unpleasant. Squalor also means the condition or state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant. This happens as a result of poverty or neglect. These characteristics sends out the message that anyone in this type of living condition is wretched. Therefore, Sandra's living situation is characterized with wretchedness because it doesn't show any pleasantness.
Because Turner has found his soulmate, dark skinned girl Lizzie Bright, that lives on the Malaga island, where live only Negro people. Local gentleman suggested other local members of entourage to remove all the people from Malaga island so that they can build an entertaining complex that will attract the tourists. Turner understands that those people ought to leave their lovely native land even though that they have no place to move to, so he thunks that this idea is totally unfair and struggles for justice.
Heart of stone: Cruel or stern nature
"My teacher has a heart of stone"
Walking Encyclopedia: Very knowledgeable about everything
"Joey is a walking encyclopedia"
Music to my ears: Exactly what you want to hear
"His voice is music to my ears"
Tall tree: Taller in height like a giant
"He is a tall tree"
Have a good day
The nonfiction text structure is the way a writer will organize nonfiction info from the text. The structure includes a table of contents, bolded words, headings, photographs, data charts, captions, charts, a glossary, and an index.