BIRTH RATE: The number of people being born per year
DEATH RATE: The number of people dying per year
TOTAL FERTILITY RATE: The fertility rate at a given age is the number of children born alive to women of that age during the year as a proportion of the average annual population of women of the same age.
INFANT MORTALITY RATE: The number of infants dying each year
LIFE EXPECTANCY: the average period that a person may expect to live
Water surplus exists where supply exceeds demand. These are known as WATER SURPLUS areas. These are located in temperate and tropical wet areas with high rainfall and lower populations. Areas include the Amazon Basin, large parts of North America and Western Europe.
Areas with a water deficit or water shortage include Northern Africa and the Middle East where there may be low levels of rainfall, high agricultural demands and/or high population densities.
After reviewing the graph you posted above, there is one radioactive isotope that has a half life that is approximate to the same as the estimated time of the origin of Earth.
The radioactive isotope is called Uranium 238. You can also write this out as U-238 or uranium/u. Any of these are acceptable for the answer.
Jupiter is the 5th and most fastest spinning planet it completes an orbit around 11.86 years every year.
Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, it's a gaianet and gaseous planet about 2.5 tims of all the planets combined. Like other planets jupiter doesn't have any defined solid surface, as a result of its rotation it has an oblate spheroid bulge along the equator and at it's boundaries are greater turbulence of storms and popular amongst them is the great Red storm.A complete day at the equator can be estimated by just nine hours and 50 minutes at the poles.