Answer:Charles Darwin oppfant ikke noe, men han oppdaget mye som forsker og naturforsker; og som forfatter påvirket han vitenskapen og måten vi tenker på vår verden. Evolusjon en teori en teori için Han utviklet og. Teorien hans har hatta vidtrekkende innvirkning på vitenskapen ve forstår livet på.
No, it doesn't. Instead the Bill of Rights makes sure that the power that the government has over Society is limited. It makes sure that civilians have their liberty.
The cause of the civil rights movement was to stop the racism with black people and have them be as equal as other people. After the civil rights movement people stopped being racist to black people in public places and in jobs.
in 1949 the soviet union tested its first atomic bomb and in reply canadas military spending soared canada took part in a united nations force deployed to the area communist paranoia the country also became caught up the communist paranoia in the post war era
It heleped by saving time and time is money because it shorted the distance of traveling