The supreme court argued that the Indian Tribes should be considered Independent nations.
Hunting big game is the hunting of large animals.
Historically, hunting big games tradition goes back to ancient times when several ancient North American cultures hunted large herd animals such as mammoth and bison. In the present, hunting big games has become part of the hobbies or passion for people who enjoy hunting wild animals.
Ernest Hemingway an Americans who is known for his novels was an extremely avid hunter. Most notably, Hemingway took safari trips to Africa, and he conducted dangerous game animals including lions, Cape buffalo, leopard, antelopes, gazelles, and zebras. In America in his later years, he spent a great deal of time hunting in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.
Many American Presidents have hunted, but none has a reputation for hunting record like Theodore Roosevelt. His African hunting is a dangerous game where he killed 296 animals on one safari.
What makes the government corporation effective is when they can have the flexibility to complete tasks. Government corporations are usually exempted to the purchasing and personnel system rules that the rest of the government had to follow or comply. In that scenario, they are required to be flexible.
Worcester v. Georgia, 31 U.S. 515, was a landmark case in which the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Native Americans from being present on Native American lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional.