The concept of race began during the Renaissance.
The division of people according to their faith became problematic when in Spain after the conclusion of the Reconquista in 1492 the forced conversion of the numerous Jews to Christianity was prescribed and as a result many of the compulsory “converts” secretly continued to cultivate their previous religion. In this context, in addition to the purity of faith, the idea of a purity of blood was also significant; the term "race" was used to denote the origin of people, families or larger groups.
European colonialism (including the conquest of America and the transatlantic slave trade) has played an important role in the further establishment of the concept of race and the development of racial theories since the 15th and 16th centuries, thereby continuously replenishing new knowledge of previously unknown parts of the world, ethnic groups and customs Europe came. The knowledge of foreign “races” in those days was largely based on reports from conquerors and missionaries who were strongly racist. In the travel reports of that time, the motif of the “noble savage”, the religious interpretation based on biblical genesis, or the equation of foreign peoples with the lost tribes of Israel were also popular.
After Germany declared war on Russia, France with its alliance with Russia prepared a general mobilization in expectation of war. On 3 August 1914, Germany responded to this action by declaring war on France.
Mary Douglas Leakey was recognized in her lifetime as one of the world’s most distinguished fossil hunters. In 1974 Mary BEGINS work at Laetoli, 30 miles from Olduvai Gorge. It is here that Mary and her team found amazingly well preserved hominid footprints in volcanic beds, known as tuffs. The footprint tuff of 1976 has a potassium argon date of 3.5-3.8 mya, evidence of upright walking that supported Donald Johansen's find, Lucy, also known as Australopithecus Afarensis, though Mary Leakey has rejected this( she believe that the belong to the genus homo). Eighty feet of trail had been uncovered by 1979, leaving researchers to speculate that it was three hominids, possibly a family, that left their mark millions of years ago.
After the war of 1812, the first expansionist goal of the republic was the acquisition of Florida, since this was the closest and most attainable area next to New England. Although they would soon seek California.