Habeas Corpus means that you can't lock someone up without stating their offense and giving them a trial.
Why did the Greeks win the battle of Salamis?
Reasons for Victory:
Narrow waterways favoured Greek ships.
Persians taken by surprise
Persian fleet severely weakened by removal of Egyptian squadron
Triremes more agile than Persian ships
Themistocles understood the importance of naval power, advantage of the Bay of Salamis
"The Huna People, also known as Huns, invaded Gupta territory and caused significant damage to the empire. The Gupta Empire ended in 550 CE, when it disintegrated into regional kingdoms after a series of weak rulers and invasions from the east, west, and north."
Yes, it is true that the progressive income tax was aggressively sought by the Populist Party, since they thought that this would free the common man from financial instability.