Answer: Prepare to deliver the baby on-scene.
Birth crowning is a condition occurs during the period of gestation. In this baby's head starts emerging after each contraction from the birth canal after the second stage of labor. In this process the uterine muscle relaxes and tightens to help the newborn to come out of the birth canal.
According to the given condition, a preparation of delivery of the baby on the scene is preferred to avoid the negligence and delay. To protect the life of mother and child early action is required.
A solid rock becomes soil when it breaks down and combines with water, air, and organic matter. The correct answer would be #3
E (Red shows incomplete dominance over white)
This portrays a monohybrid cross involving a single gene coding for flower colour in snapdragon plants. According to the question, a purebreeding red flowered (homozygous) plant is crossed with a purebreeding white flowered (homozygous) plant to produce an all pink flowered offspring. This phenomenon is called INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE.
Mendel, in his experiments, discovered that an allele can mask the expression of another in a heterozygous state. He called the allele that masks DOMINANT allele while the allele that is masked RECESSIVE allele. However, exceptions like INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE, has occurred in the sense that an allele does not completely mask the expression of its allelic pair, instead an intermediate phenotype, which is a combination/blending of both parental phenotypes is produced.
In this case, the red flowered snapdragon (RR) does not completely cover up the expression of white flower (rr), hence a hybrid/heterozygous offspring is produced that combines the phenotypic characteristics of both parents to form an intermediate flower colour (pink). Hence, it can be said that Red flower is incompletely dominant over white flower or no allele/trait is dominant or recessive to another.
Answer: Although defintions can have the same meaning, they can be worded differently; keep that in mind. Physiology is the study of the physics and chemistry inside the human body, and focuses on how they work to sustain the functions of life.
Chromosomes are structures present in the nucleus of the every organism's cell and it is the DNA packed with histones proteins.
DNA deoxyribo nucleic acid is the nucleotide sequence which is the blue print of the structural and functional characteristics of the whole organism.
Nucleus of the call is very small to be contain the DNA of cell. So DNA is present in the condense form by wrapping around the histones proteins which is known as cell division.
At the time of cell division, it is present in chromosomal form to equally divide the genetic material.