The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000
In the United States, the penalty for human trafficking is up to 15 year-life-in prison or a $1500000 fine.This act aims at stopping acts of human trafficking in the areas of sex trade and slavery.This Act further aims at preventing the acts of violence against women.Some of the steps to adopt that can reduce human trafficking acts include creating awareness on the matter and avoiding the purchase of goods and services that facilitate human trafficking.
Best of Luck!
Athenian Democracy was a political regime created and adopted in Athens in the period of Ancient Greece, being the first democratic government in history.
The difference is that in the democratic primordios, the whole population participated of the democracy by means of the voting in public squares of Athens.
The democratic regime has evolved into the representative regime, where citizens choose their representatives through voting. These representatives have the legitimacy to make decisions that cherish the common good. This is the regime used in the US and throughout the democratic world.
Scaffolding is done when a student is provided with enough support to complete a task until competence is achieved. Support is gradually decreased until the student becomes able to work independently.
The answer to this question is the "Spotlight Effect". Hence, when a friend is giving a speech and she is worried because he just got an unflattering haircut. She has on his mind that everyone will look and stare at her bangs and will discuss her looks, an attractive hair. Her overestimation of the people's reaction is known as the spotlight effect.