The Battle of Gettysburg, fought between June 1 and 3, 1863 between Union forces and Confederate forces, was one of the major turning points of the Civil War, as the Union victory stopped the Confederate advance in the territory of the north and left free way for the Union to be able to advance towards the territory of the south.
The battle itself was a massacre, with more than 50,000 dead in total. But in addition to being a military disaster for the Confederacy, it also had implications from a strategic point of view. An eventual southern victory would have implied a clear advance towards New York, which would imply an almost certain victory for the Confederacion. Furthermore, a Confederate victory would have encouraged France and Great Britain to ally with it to defeat the Union, which in those years was a major commercial adversary. Therefore, the victory of the Union in this battle prevented the participation of France and Great Britain in the conflict.
Explanation: Jean-Paul Marat (French 24 May 1743 – 13 July 1793) was a French political theorist, physician and scientist. He was a journalist and politician during the French Revolution. He was a vigorous defender of the sans-culottes and seen as a radical voice.
Profession: Physician, Scientist, Journalist, Pol...
Died: 13 July 1793
Born: 24 May 1743, Boudry
Parents: Jean Mara, Louise Cabrol
The steppe crosses the Russian plain, south of the taiga, penetrating deep into Siberia. It comprises three main types, which run in roughly parallel bands from east to west: forest steppe in the north, through steppe, to semi -desert steppe in the south. Within these belts, zones of temporary inundation on floodplains or in zones of internal drainage provide valuable hay land. The steppe was increasingly ploughed for crops during the twentieth century; initially crops were rotated with naturally regenerated grassland, but from mid-century cultivation was increasingly intensive. During the collective period, the emphasis was on industrial stock rearing, with housed cattle and high inputs; since decollectivization, intensive enterprises are closing for economic reasons, and systems have yet to stabilize. If ploughed land is left undisturbed it will return naturally to steppe vegetation in six to fifteen years. Hay is very important for winter feed, and much is made from seasonally flooded meadows. Many marginal, semi-arid areas of the steppe have been put under crops, but are not economically viable; much of the cereals so produced are fed to livestock, but grain yields are very low and yield no more livestock products than would natural grassland, but at far higher cost. Marginal cropland should return to grass.
The Mongols were a nomadic tribe to the north of China. They shared the mountainous areas between China and Siberia with many other such tribes, many of them Turkic.
what paragraph? also you sure this is history?