The stage called Interpretation occurs when after individuals perceive the events that are happening in a situation, each individual interprets these events in their own way according to their beliefs, memories, bias, ideas, among others. The stage of the interpretation can be applied to the case of the couple exposed in the question, where the wife accused her husband of paying close attention to their server. The husband interpreted the attention he gave the server as a response to the server's sympathy, but the wife interpreted it as a boldness or a betrayal.
Velocity is speed in direction. The speed is 43.88 (infinite 8's).
So the velocity is 43.89 m/s North.
On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered a short speech at the close of ceremonies dedicating the battlefield cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Honoring a request to offer a few remarks, Lincoln memorialized the Union dead and highlighted the redemptive power of their sacrifice.
Informational influence; Normative influence
Will pays attention to when the rest of the congregation sits and stands because he wants to be sure to stand and sit at the appropriate times. This shows Will has conformed because of INFORMATIONAL INFLUENCE.
Informational influence refers to new knowledge or arguments provided in a group discussion that alter the views, opinions, or actions of a group member, here WILL with the new knowledge he learned by observing the congregation helps him know his next options/actions.
Grace stands up and sits down when the rest of the congregation does because if she doesn't, the elderly couple across the aisle scowls at her.
Grace has conformed because of NORMATIVE INFLUENCE .
Normative influence refers to the idea that often times people change their actions, thoughts or beliefs that others like and embrace. GRACE stands up and sit down when the rest of the congregation does, because she knows if she doesn't the old women would scowl at her, this shows she is trying to impress and make the people like her.
Approximately 40 battles.