because the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean.
The fluid in which organelles of the cell reside. This water can be used to assist in chemical reactions within the cell.
Each one of those letters represents a nucleotide. So to find out how many nucleotides are in the gene, just count them
However, keep in mind that this only represents 1/2 strands that make up DNA. If you are supposed to include the other strand, simply double 15, and there would be 30 nucleotides total. However, only 1 strand is actually required in order for protein synthesis to work, so I think it's just 15.
-Histamine binds extracellularly to the H1 receptor.
-When histamine binds to the H1 receptor. the receptor undergoes a conformation change and binds the inactive G protein.
-Once the G protein is active, it binds to the enzyme phospholipase C, activating it.
-Histamine is likely hydrophilic.
When histamine encounters a target cell, it binds extracellularly to the H1 receptor, causing a change in the shape of the receptor. This change in shape allows the G protein to bind to the H1 receptor, causing a GTP molecule to displace a GDP molecule and activating the G protein. The active G protein dissociates from the H1 receptor and binds to the enzyme phospholipase C, activating it. The active phospholipase C triggers a cellular response. The G protein then functions as a GTPase and hydrolyzes the GTP to GDP. The G protein dissociates from the enzyme and is inactive again and ready for reuse.
Unlike most nonmammalian animals, scorpions are viviparous, giving birth to live young instead of laying eggs. Once fertilized, the eggs are retained in the female's body, where the embryos are nourished in utero for periods varying from several months to a year.