Metamorphic rocks have been put under great pressure, heated, squashed or stretched, and fossils do not usually survive these extreme conditions.
A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure performed to replace bone marrow that has been damaged or destroyed by disease, infection, or chemotherapy. This procedure involves transplanting blood stem cells, which travel to the bone marrow where they produce new blood cells and promote growth of new marrow.
add plants and trees
they help hold the soil in place because of their roots
During DNA replication, the two strands separate as the hydrogen bonds connecting the parent strands are broken by an enzyme called helicase. In the DNA molecule (double strand) complementary bases are joined by hydrogen bonds; that is; Adenine paired to thyamine and guanine to cytosine; during replication the enzyme helicase separates the double helix by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases.
What percent of potassium-40 remains undecayed in a rock that is 3.9 billion years old? The 3.9 billion year old rock has undergone three half-lives (3.9 divided by 1.3 = 3). After 3 half-lives, 12.5% of the potassium-40 remains undecayed.