B. Does anyone have the time?
According to the subject-verb agreement, the subject and the verb must agree in number. The word <em>anyone</em>, like words <em>everyone, someone, no one, everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody, each, each one, either </em>and <em>neither</em> requires a singular verb: <em>Does anyone...</em>
That's why options A and C are incorrect. Instead of the singular form <em>does</em>, we have the form <em>do</em>, which agrees with a plural subject (e.g <em>Do they have the time?</em>)
D. When Antonio suggests to Sebastian the plot to murder Alonso, he gains influence over Sebastian's thoughts.
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Biblical Allusion [bib-li-kuh l uh-loo-zhuh n ]: a reference within a literary work to a story, idea, or event that is related in the Bible or other biblical writings