<span>These are the answers:
1.A person who speaks on a cell phone during a high school graduation ceremony
</span><span>A. Behavior that affirms social norms and moral boundaries
2.People getting signatures on a petition to encourage the passing of a new law
</span>C. Behavior that encourages social change
3.An attack that results in massive damage to a national monument
<span>B. Behavior that promotes unity
Hope this helps. :)
C. This is not plagiarism
This is not a plagiarism at all because the author of student version did but the suspected text in quote and cite the sentence properly at the end of the statement as "(Gredler, 2001)". Therefore, this cannot be an A. Word-for-Word plagiarism nor a B. Paraphrasing plagiarism
A health crisis similar to the Black Death could happen, as seen with ebola and the Zika virus. The Black Plague was spread through so thoroughly through highly populated trade routes after the rats brought plague infected fleas on ships. These days, we have even more means of efficient travel including flights across the world, which allows an easy spread of disease across large areas. There are two likely ways such a widespread disease could occur: through unvaccinated kids, or spreading from areas with little sanitation. The ¨anti-vax¨ movement could easily create a problem in that unvaccinated children will catch preventable diseases, such as polio or the measles, and spread them to younger kids unable to get vaccinations, or to children who also don´t take their vaccines. Also, areas with little sanitation are breeding grounds for diseases, and if anyone leaves that area, say through a flight, they can spread it to a different continent and start an epidemic.
according to the dictionary it is a conduit through which something is drained.