The Eucharist is the actual Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus
Christ, which He has established so that He may be with us always and
unite ourselves in the most intimate and spiritual manner through Holy
Communion. However, this can only be done if two conditions are met: you
truly believe, and you are in a state of grace (have been to confession
recently). Without those two conditions, then you are doing more than
wasting your time, you are calling condemnation down on yourself (1 Cor
11:29). The second (what unites us to one another) is that in our
baptism, and in our receiving Holy Communion (worthily) we become more
and more part of the Mystical Body of Christ on earth, i.e. the Holy
Catholic Church.
the answer is D Sherman's March to the sea
( I learned this last semester)
1.Napoleon Bonaparte
5.raw materials
7.) In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Latin American elites still dominated the ruling class even though the nations were independent. These elites were largely comprised of people of European descent, who sought to maintain their European traditions by embracing European fashion and culture.
8.) Following independence, Latin America participated in the global economy by exporting large amounts of raw materials, including sugar, silver, beef, copper, and rubber. These raw materials were sent to industrialized countries in Europe and North America in exchange for imports such as machine-made products, textiles, and luxury items.
9.) The abolition of slavery was inspired by three things. The first was the thinking of the Enlightenment, which emphasized equality. The second was religious movements that emphasized the worth of all humans. The third was the economic changes that arose with the shift from agrarian to industrialized economies, as free labor competed with enslaved labor.
10.) Upper-class and middle-class whites, or creoles, benefitted the most from Latin American independence. They were able to form the new governments and they economically benefited from participation in the global economy. In contrast, most people in the lower class benefitted very little from independence, with the notable exception of enslaved people, who achieved freedom.
The Sons of Liberty were a grassroots group of instigators and provocateurs in colonial America who used an extreme form of civil disobedience—threats, and in some cases actual violence—to intimidate loyalists and outrage the British government. The goal of the radicals was to push moderate colonial leaders into a confrontation with the Crown.
1. The United States lent money directly to European nations to help them rebuild their economies. 2. The World Bank lent funds to reconstruct the war-torn economies of Europe