Deserts and Rivers of South West Asia affect population. Most people travel by camel and. by air because the desert is a trade. barrier. Also most people who live in the desert herd animals. People who live next to water ways usually work at a desalination plant because of all the salt water. People who live near water mostly travel by water in a boat or a ship.
Many manufacturing units were relocated to the urban areas due to the introduction and usage if steam power.
Second half of the nineteenth century is known for the factories that used steam power in the urban areas. Separate buildings housed the steam engine, and it inspired the development of factory model. Advance in iron and steel industry and rail road construction companies urged the factorial set up in cities rather than the towns.
In the countryside, many factories were set up near the rivers so that the finished products were easily transported to different places. Due to the invention of the steam engines, the transportation of finished goods was easy and feasible.
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