The Sugar Act, also known as the American Revenue Act or the American Duties Act, was a revenue-raising act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain on 5 April 1764.[1] The preamble to the act stated: "it is expedient that new provisions and regulations should be established for improving the revenue of this Kingdom ... and ... it is just and necessary that a revenue should be raised ... for defraying the expenses of defending, protecting, and securing the same."[2] The earlier Molasses Act 1733, which had imposed a tax of six pence per gallon of molasses, had never been effectively collected due to colonial evasion. By reducing the rate by half and increasing measures to enforce the tax, the British hoped that the tax would actually be collected.[3] These incidents increased the colonists' concerns about the intent of the British Parliament and helped the growing movement that became the American Revolution.[4] ( THIS IS FROM WIKIPEDIA)
The Red River Expedition, also called the Freeman-Custis or Sparks Expedition, was part of Jefferson's master plan. The Red River offered not only a path to acquire scientific knowledge but also perhaps an approach for American traders to Santa Fe.
The Kansas-Nebraska act angered northerners because it repealed the Missouri Compromise which had prohobited slavery there.
- Senator Stephen A. Douglas
Yes, it is surprising that Lotte Magnus's decided to join the army after escaping Germany.
Lotte Goldschmidt Magnus belongs to Germany, she studied in Liberal Jewish school and emigrated via Kindertransport to the United States in 1934, where she was enlisted as part of a civil service program halfway through her education.
Her continuation of education was paid when immediately after completion of her degree she accepted a commission in the medical corps as a dietitian at the hospital. She graduated in 1943, and was moved to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri in 1944 to continue her civil service which was surprising as service ranged during World War (1939-1945), inspite of containing panic she made huge efforts in such a less age group and decided to serve for the nation.
the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower, it is usually an annual percentage of the loan outstanding.