<span>The U.S is using the M16A2 A3 and A4, M4, HK416, Many other types of AR platforms like the Colt Commando ,SCAR-L, SCAR-H, the M60E4, M249, M240, MK46, MK48, MK19, M2, the AS50,M24, M40, M-14, M21, M25, M86, M107, M110, MK14, M39, MK12, M1A1, DMR and other designated marksmen rifles, the MP5 (SD&K), the M9, M11, M1911A1 clones, the Mossberg 590, M1014, R870, M26, the M203, and the M134 and GAU-17. Italy uses the AR 70/90 and the M12. Germany uses the G36, the MG-3 and MG-4. France uses the FAMAS and AA-52. Many other countries fighting in Iraq also share these weapons and have even more. The insurgents use the AKM, AKMS, AK-74, AK-74S, AK-74SU, SKS, the SVD, Mosin-Nagant, the RPD, RPK, PKM and the RPG-7
Ayyatolah Khomeini became the supreme leader of the Islamic Rebublic of Iran in 1979, after years of fighting in the alliance with the West, to overthrow last Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Thus, the millennium monarchy in Iran was overthrown and the theocratic Islamic Republic of Iran was established. After the Revolution Ayyatolah Khomeini became the supreme leader of Iran, a position created by the constitution of the Islamic Republic as the highest religious and political priority of the nation.
meat and fish Honey, milk, cheese and bread figs and wine and of course fresh fruit.
The Spartan diet overview
Common foods were meat and fish, with a wide variety of animals and fish consumed. Honey, milk, cheese and bread were also common, as were figs and wine. And of course fresh fruit would grow well in the warm Greek weather, providing the Spartans with lots of variety albeit rather basic.
Yes, it is true that the Treaty of Versailles was violated by Hitler's military build-up, since the treaty expressly prohibited the German military from reaching this size. Many European powers "turned their heads" however, since they didn't want to engage in another conflict.