Opção C
Atenas é a Polis considerada o berço da filosofia ocidental e do conceito de democracia porque é a primeira democracia do mundo e a democracia ateniense foi construída por volta do século V a.C. No entanto, a estrutura da democracia ateniense era diferente da democracia atual, pois requer apenas a participação de adultos. Promoveu diferentes culturas e espalhou suas idéias por muitas terras e também levou ao florescimento de muitas idéias no mundo ocidental, devido ao qual é conhecido como o berço da civilização ocidental
Jan. 10, 1901, is the most famous date in Texas petroleum history.
The correct answer is:
It was more limited and restricted to clergy and nobility.
In the Massachusetts Bay Colony, religion and government were profoundly tangled and only proven devoted Puritans were allowed to partake in governmental affairs, actually creating a theocracy (government administered by religious officials who impose religious beliefs). The Puritans were extremely intolerant of other religions and constantly persecuted other religious views, principally Quakers.
Supporting the banks helps the rest of the economy. Plus, with the banks afraid of risk and lacking cash, banks have little capacity to lend money. Without those loans, the pace of growth in the global economy slows substantially, and may even go into reverse.