I've just taken the test and made a 100. 3 is the most logical answer aswell, it has more of an effect than the others.
a. In this scenario, the best solution would have an Object of Traditional Books, CD, Music, Bookstore and Customer.
b. All five objects would be able to be called by the main program loop and the Customer Object would call upon and use either the Books or CD object, While the Bookstore object would call upon all of the other objects.
c. Both the Bookstore object and Customer object will "have" other objects as the Bookstore needs to hold information on every Book or CD in the Inventory. While the Customer object would call upon the Book and CD object that they are purchasing.
d. The Music Object will extend the CD object and use information on the CD object as its parent class.
e. Since the Music Object extends the CD object it is also considered a CD since it is in CD format like the Books on CD and therefore is both objects.
The router NAT configuration has an incorrect inside local address.
The term Inside in a <em>Network Address Translation (NAT) </em>context refers to networks owned by an organisation that must be translated. When NAT is configured, hosts within this network have addresses in one space (known as the local address space). These hosts appear to those users outside the network as being in another space (known as the global address space).
The term Outside refers to those networks to which the stub network connects, and which are not under the control of an organisation. Also, hosts in outside networks can be subject to translation, and can thus have local and global addresses
Logical Expressions
The expressions that have logical statements which could be "true or false" are known as logical expressions. These types of expressions are also known as Boolean Expressions.
These expression are used in computer programming. The purpose of these expressions in programming is to make a decision that could be based on different conditions. These conditions could be true or false. This is the main reason that. logical expression makes best sense for values received in true or false.
Machine language is the language understood by a computer. It is very difficult to understand, but it is the only thing that the computer can work with. All programs and programming languages eventually generate or run programs in machine language