Money because the more money you invest the mor you have to spend
It is an advantage when group incentives encourage competition between groups of employees when groups try to outdo one another in satisfying customers.
Competition is uncertainty about how to ensure survival. Competition can occur between entities such as organisms, individuals, and economic and social groups. Rivalry is about achieving unique goals such as visibility, leadership, market share, niche, scarce resources, or territory.
Competition, most commonly viewed as the interaction of individuals competing for a finite common resource, is the direct or indirect interaction of organisms that results in changes in fitness when they share the same resource. can be defined more broadly as a dynamic interaction.
There are four kinds of competition in a loose marketplace machine: perfect opposition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly.
The four key characteristics of perfect competition are: (1) a huge wide variety of small companies, (2) equal merchandise offered by all firms, (three) perfect resource mobility or the liberty of entry into and go out out of the enterprise, and (4) perfect information of costs and generation.
Learn more about competition here :-
The correct answer is A. smart technology.
Smart technology, today it is sold in any type of electronic device, as well as a telephone, a computer, a TV, cooking utensils and household appliances in general.
This concept of intelligent technology, is justified mainly for the purpose of offering different electronic prototypes, a logical programming that reacts to stimuli that are attributed to its sensors. Something very similar to what occurs with a new brain that, in addition to receiving specific instigations, proceeds in an immediate way to generate the corresponding chords to the dictated call.
In this order of ideas, the electronic devices are endowed with sufficient capacity to understand messages such as, in the case of the cell phone or the television, the presence and use of this device by a person, as it proceeds to lower its performance by optimizing the energy that requires its operation.
The correct answer is B. result from the political bias toward immediate benefits and deferred costs.
While many people run hysterically on the streets begging politicians to act in the face of the threat of climate change, many people, young and old, may be demanding the same type of action, but to fix the unfunded passive systems.
By extending eligibility and increasing the benefits of a pay-per-use system while at the same time having fewer children to finance it, previous generations have left a fearsome financial obligation. Either taxes will increase dramatically for tomorrow's workers, lowering their standard of living, or benefits will fall for tomorrow's retirees, lowering their standard of living. A group will feel very angry.
These problems were anticipated even when politicians were raising payments, but each elected government simply kicked the can and allowed things to continue as usual.
Social security systems and pension funds are actuarially not funded systems. There is no obligation for this generation to have children at the same rate as previous generations. Therefore, when those born in the 1950s reach retirement age in the next century, their stipends will feel more like a burden due to the ranks of non-active members of society that will depend on their contributions to live.
Adam's license will be suspended or revoked. It's because he was determined to have used his license to obtain insurance for family members and because it was found that he was giving insureds rebates.
After being found guilty of a significant traffic infraction, failing a road test, or providing false information on a government form, a license is frequently cancelled. One of the best rights is the ability to drive, therefore it's critical to understand whether your license is suspended or revoked as well as your options if it is. An "Administrative Review Suspension" is a unique classification of suspension used in several jurisdictions. This is given to persons whose medical conditions make it risky for them to operate a motor vehicle. Before relieving the suspension, the DMV may occasionally require written confirmation from the physician.