Bernice is triumphant because she looks much better. There is no reaction because Bernice doesn't go through with it.
Shifting of a young boy from a relatively simple existence in a Mexican village to a somewhat hectic and complex life in a different culture and in an urban setting is the story all about.
Barrio boy is a dramatic and a vivid autobiography. This has been written by Ernesto Galarza. The story is of a boy who is caught in between the worlds when he moves from Mexico to United States of America.
The change in the lifestyle of that boy when he moves from a rural life to an area where the life is very hectic, busy and complex is the theme and the points of focus of the story.
2 Benefits :]
- More jobs in the tourism industry, therefore a lower unemployment rate.
- If you own an independent business, more possible customers
Then you will be mentaliy and physically healthy.
1.The apostrophe after the word years is not supposed to be there. 2. The word we've is the wrong word. 3.The apostrophe in the word trial's is not supposed to be there. 4.You're is not the right word for the sentence and should be changed to your. These are the mistakes that I have found, but at the same time, recheck to make sure these mistakes can be found within the paragraph.