Bystander effect
Bystander effect is a theory which states that individuals will less likely get any form of help when faced with a problem even with the presence of people. The theory further explains that the higher the number of people present, the less likely any body will offer to help out.
This explains why no one offered to help Jeff even when he was in an area which was densely populated.
Many newspapers are informational sources to keep up with current events. While others are exaggerations and advertisements. Usually newspapers twist perceptions. The best source is an eye witness.
The Prohibition of Marriages Act in Africa. It was a law passed in South Africa in 1949 prohibiting marriages between "Europeans" and "non-Europeans" . It was an apartheid law that led to more discrimination. The international community condemned apartheid.
The Great Schism in Europe
. This happened from 1378 to 1417. There were two popes and even three popes disputing the supremacy of the Catholic church. This also put the seeds of the reformation movement.
The Reformation in Europe
. It officially started in 1517 with the publication of the Ninety-five these by Martin Luther and it lasted until 1648. Martin Luther opposed the Catholic Church and its indulgences system.
European diseases in the early Americas. Many native Americas died due to diseases that European brought like smallpox , measles and flu. About 90% of native American were decimated by this diseases. In some places like in the Dominican Republic all the native American perished.
Commodore Perry’s Black Ships in Asia When the commodore Perry arrived In Japan with four vessels : Susquehanna, Mississipi, Plymouth and Saratoga on July 8th 1853 and made them promise to open their frontiers to international commerce. He used diplomacy and pressure.
United States Imperialism in Latin America
. In 1823 the president James Monroe said that the USA was the protector of all the western hemisphere. The problem was that America was very busy with its own agenda and also with a civil war. Then the Platt Amendment came to insert provisions in the Cuban Constitution so it would prevent European intervention in Cuba. Then Roosvel declared that Monroe doctrine compelled the USA to be an international police force. After that appeared a period called dollar diplomacy or missionary diplomacy to safeguard the interests of the empire.
The passage is talking about Aristotle.
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who lived from 384 BC to 322 BC. He is considered to this day the father of rhetoric, that is, the art of convincing others through speaking or writing. According to Aristotle, there are three rhetorical techniques that can be employed to persuade one's audience: pathos, logos, and ethos. Pathos appeals to the audience's emotions (pity, empathy, etc.), logos appeals to logic and reasoning, and ethos appeals to the speaker's character and credibility.