they were brave enough to go there and be a marvelous example to the entire world of how they endured and held on in spite of hardships...
I think they are pretty remarkable and deserve to be remembered!!
New York is a urban city because it has many boiuldings and apartments.
Answer: In modern systems, a successful State is a territorial unit. As a territorial unit, its sovereignty extends over all the individuals and other things within its given territory. "A State is sovereign or the supreme power, within its territory and that state sovereignty extends to all the individuals in a given territory." by Dunleavy and O'leary.
Explanation: Some successful states were separately constituted with their own laws and institutions but dependent, such as Southern Netherlands and various states in Italy and around the Baltic. Gustavus had been a keen student of both the ancient discourses on military tactics, and how/why they were used. He incorporated many of these neo-classic “innovations” into his army. Gustavus’ army thus became more linear, more flexible and more maneuverable.
well that's good then what's the problem
<h2>Brainiest me</h2>
a recurrent way of acting by an individual or group toward a given object or in a given situation.