The speaker's ability to ok persuasive, sound persuasive, and act in a persuasive way, to show that people can trust that his side of the opinion of the subject is more important.
The answer is: Literary Nonfiction.
"The Ridle of the Rosetta Stone," by James Cross Giblin, fits in the category of litery nonfiction because it contains narrative text with factual information, and it is read from beginning to end.
Other types of informational texts are Expository Texts, which consist of charts and tables of contents so that readers can look up the information they need without reading the whole book. Argument or Persuasion Texts intend to influence the readers' actions or thoughts. Meanwhile, Procedural Texts provide instructions on how to complete a task.
That would be the weather; the harsh winters were brutal.
And what the weather didn't do, the many diseases certainly did.
No, it wasn't so much the native Americans -- like you were probably thinking.
they were freed and they could run free and where they didnt have to be tolded what to do anymore