1 - having high blood sugar, 2 - having the belief that one's race, nation, or culture is superior to all others, 3 - having excessive attention paid to the meanings of words or distinctions in their usage , 4 - music with two or more independent melodic parts sounded together, 5 - a fear of having a fear, 6 - having two or more colors, 7 - relating to the relation between body regions and areas of the brain
The definition of these seven words according to dictionaries go as it follows:
1. Hyperglycemic - having high blood sugar (medicine terminology)
2. Ethnocentric - having the belief that one's race, nation, or culture is superior to all others (Human negative personality trait)
3. Logocentric - having excessive attention paid to the meanings of words or distinctions in their usage ( Human obsessive personality trait)
4. Polyphonic - music with two or more independent melodic parts sounded together. (artistic definition)
5. Phobophobic - a fear of having a fear (Human Phobia, psychologic terminology)
6. Polychromatic - having two or more colors (plastic arts terminology)
7. Somatotopic - relating to the relation between body regions and areas of the brain (medicine and science terminology)