Dr. Cr.
Work-in-Process Inventory - Dept. 2: 750
Work-in-Process Inventory—Dept. 1: 750
All the cost incurred in the department 1 was added in the work in process account of this department. While transferring the product from one department to other the cost of work in process will also be transferred to next department to accumulate all costs associated with the product. At the end the finished goods will be carrying all the cost incurred to manufacture that product. Due debit nature of WIP account the cost in transferred to next department's account by just crediting the WIP of department 1 and debiting WIP of department 2. WIP of Department 1 will be 0 and WIP of department 2 will be $750.
(A) $1,000
Health Savings Account (HSA) is an account that offers tax advantages to those individuals who are covered under high deductible health plans(HDHPs).
Both Employers and Employees make contributions to such an account.
Under the laws, the maximum contribution allowable is $3400 by both employers and employees.
Such contributions can be used for qualified medical expenses.
Individuals who are above 55 years of age can contribute an additional $1000 per person per year as per the law which can be of much help to early retirees.
Hence, Ruth is allowed to make an additional contribution of $1,000.
Vince and Sun-Hi's Book
With Sun-Hi's delivery of the book, the offer by Vince is accepted by Sun-Hi.
Acceptance of an offer is necessary to make a contract.
An offer by Vince is not a contract, but its acceptance by Sun-Hi without a counter-offer makes it a valid contract that can be enforced in law if other ingredients for a valid contract are present. Acceptance establishes the agreement between Vince and Sun-Hi. Once Sun-Hi accepts Vince's offer with valid considerations (the book and double the price), the agreement for a business transaction between them is consummated. It is acceptance that completes the exchange of promises in this simple contract.
C, none of the choices
from the qeustion, it can be seen that Uri was offered a test ride of the car but he clearly refused. For him to have bought that car without a test drive and later realise the car has a faulty suspenion, he cannot rescind the contract on any of the bases because if he had agreed to the test drive, he would have found out about the faukty suspension and woudn't have bought that car.
It is clearly Uri's fault that he ended up with a car that has a faulty susppension. this isn't a case of fraud or mistake on the part of Stan, neither did Stan unduely influence him to buy the car according to the question.
Natural monopolies <span>benefit from large economies of scale, in which the costs of goods decrease as output increases.
</span>A natural monopoly<span> is a distinct type of </span>monopoly<span> that may arise when there are extremely high fixed costs of distribution, such as exist when large-scale infrastructure is required to ensure supply.</span>