The answer is A Judaism is monotheistic, but the Vedic religion is polytheistic. also the the vedic religion and the Judaism are from the same root.
The skepticism about the empire of Ghana and the accounts for it is nothing weird because the majority of what is written about it is from two people from the same place, that had totally different views and interpretations on the things, and came from different culture.
Very often in the historical text, the people that wrote something have been very subjective, not objective. Thus the writings of these two Arab geographers can be very misleading, as they described what they saw with their own eyes, but also with using their own perception. That has proven numerous times to give very inaccurate depictions of a society and culture, like the depictions of the Romans for the Celts, or of the Greeks for the Scythian female warriors that they named Amazons.
There's only one point of view unfortunately, and it is always much more reliable when multiple writings are available from people from multiple different backgrounds, or the best scenario if it is writings from the people in question.
The Japanese justified their imperialism in multiple different ways, depending on what territory is in question.
For China, there was a fake attack on Japanese property, performed by the Japanese themselves, so they invaded Manchuria with the justification that their citizens were in danger.
Korea and Taiwan were justified in the sense that some countries had colonies which they used for resources and as market for their products, so the Japanese justified it in the manner that they also deserve to have such territories.
For some territories they conquered there was no real justification though, and the Japanese didn't really bothered with making excuses anymore.
From roughly 1919 to 1935, the literary and artistic movement now known as the Harlem Renaissance produced an outpouring of celebrated works by Black artists and writers.
Relatively recent scholarship has emphasized not only the influence gay social networks had on the Harlem Renaissance’s development, but also the importance of sexual identity in more fully understanding a person’s work and creative process. Key LGBT figures of this period include, among others, poets Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and Claude McKay; performers Ethel Waters, Edna Thomas, and Alberta Hunter; intellectual Alain Locke; literary salon owner Alexander Gumby; and sculptor Richmond Barthé.
This curated theme features a selection of literary salons, neighborhood institutions, public art, and residences that reflect the impact of the Black LGBT community on one of the 20th century’s most significant cultural movements.
Hope this helps :)