1. Scientific method is the techniques that scientists used to carry out investigation process. It is made up of five steps, which are:
a. Observation: this is the stage in which a scientist make an observation to which he did not have an explanation.
b. Formation of a research question: in accordance to observation made, the scientist form a question on which his experiment will be based
c. Formation of hypothesis: at this stage the scientist offers a proposed explanation for the observation which he had made and state what he expects at the end of the experiment.
d. Conduction of the experiment: at this stage the scientist carry out the experiment using appropriate means.
e. Analysis of data and drawing of conclusion: this is last stage of the investigation, at this stage, the scientist analysis the results he obtained and draw a conclusion based on the results of the data.
2. Scientists used scientific method to carry out scientific investigations because the method minimize the influence of bias and prejudice in the experiments that they carry out. The method provides an objective, standardized approach to scientific investigation; this result in reproducible results which can be achieved by other scientists in every parts of the world. The method also helps to minimize errors during investigation.
Panic disorder
She may be suffering from: panic disorder
Panic disorder is a disorder that involves repeated unexpected panic attacks. Individuals with panic disorder have constant fear of experiencing another panic attack after they have experienced at least one month or more of continuous worry about more panic attacks happening again. What causes panic disorder is unknown. Symptoms of panic disorder include dizziness, racing heartbeat, breathing difficulties, shaking, nausea, and sweating.
Because you don't just die slowly you die more fast when you are ate.
This is not a biology question this is a math question
The genotype of a normal male zygote is XY, with the X chromosome (sex chromosome) coming from the mother and Y from the father.