Romeo is implying that if Tybalt had obeyed the prince's orders, lives would be pulped, including his.
Romeo expresses how disobedience is evil and promotes pain and suffering. He reinforces that the prince had banned street fights, but Tybalt insisted on disobeying causing very negative results and that caused his own death, the death of Mercutio and exile of Romeu, who had to abandon his family and wife before being killed.
When I was teaching through UCSC Extension, one of the students asked if I would meet her outside of class for intensive, one-on-one instruction in editing. I agreed. Turns out, she'd been recently hired as an editor by a major player in the industry, and she now found herself in over her head because, actually, she couldn't edit. Her background? She'd been a massage therapist who'd taken to computers when the desktop models first came out, and so she'd begun a small desktop publishing business. As she worked with the various pieces clients gave her, she began to make little corrections here and there. Soon, she was calling herself an editor. (After all, she was making changes in someone else's text, wasn't she?)
You punctuate,and Use proper Grammar.