Unemployment, lack of goods being produced, and starvation
John Cabot and Pedro Cabral were among first European explorers that were sent to the New World and made significant discoveries. Difference is that Cabral was sailing under Portuguese flag and reached the shores of Brazil, while Cabot was sailing under English flag and reached the shores of North America.
For them Bastille was the symbol of Monarchists tyranny.
Those who were opposing the king were locked there, so releasing them would mean that the King lost power over his subjects. Moreover, those who suffered from Kings injustice are likely to become leaders of antimonarchists movement, as their devotion to the cause is unquestionable.
Korea,Taiwan,Sakhalin, and Regions of Mainland China
Because growing tobacco also required a lot of hard work and labor, more people (human resources) were needed to work in the fields. ... It didn't take the colonists long to realize that economic specialization would be the way to go, and tobacco became a cash crop for the colony.