World War 1.
- Women worked in factories, business jobs, rallied support, addressed famine problems, and did more for the war effort after men had to leave their jobs for war. Since their posts became empty- but still needed filling- women worked instead. They didn't just work, they worked diligently and with skill. They built aircrafts, sewed uniforms, and did much more than anyone ever expected. President Wilson said "the services of women during this supreme crisis of the world's history have been of the most signal usefulness and distinction. The war could not have been fought without them or its sacrifices endured. It is high time that some part of our debt of gratitude to them should be acknowledged and paid, and the only acknowledgment they ask is their admission to the suffrage.
Mesopotamia is a region between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates in western Asia. They depended on annual flooding to produce a constant surplus of food because the floods brought silt which was very fertile to the lands and it contained the minerals required by the soil and the nutrients which helps the plants to be more productive.
Also in Egypt floods along the river Nile helped farmers in good production of plants because it carried black soil to their farms which was very fertile.
The history of the holiday dates back to the pagan beliefs of the Celts; however, Western Christians on this day established a large and joyful holiday - “All Saints Day.” This choice, of course, was not accidental. It is associated with the name of the first Irish Christian who was not afraid to speak out against the forces of darkness in those days when, according to the beliefs of his people, evil received particular power. This man was St. Patrick.
Halloween mythology is rooted in Celtic paganism. In their calendar, on this day, theer is the festival Samhain. Julius Caesar, waging wars in Gaul, commenting on some Celtic religious ideas, noted that on Samhain day, a door between worlds opened and the gods freely entered the space of human life. The road was open both ways. However, after preaching of St. Patrick, in about half a century, Ireland, from a country where wild sacrifice reigned, turned into an “island of scientists and saints." People ceased to be afraid of “intruders” from the other world. Celtic society was pleased to be free from the dubious “cultural heritage” of paganism, which required murder and terrifying. Namely on this day Celtic Christians in the 8th century began to celebrate the memory of all saints.
No, it was a separate group
A. uneven heating of the air