Out of school hours, many children helped with household chores, ran errands and looked after the younger ones in the family as families tended to be much larger in the 1920s. Fee-paying pupils or those at grammar school had the option of staying on at school until the age of 18.
The 1920s was a decade of profound social changes. The most obvious signs of change were the rise of a consumer-oriented economy and of mass entertainment, which helped to bring about a "revolution in morals and manners." Sexual mores, gender roles, hair styles, and dress all changed profoundly during the 1920s.
With the Great Depression, many families lost their farms and migrated to urban areas in search of work and aid from President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal government programs. With record unemployment, children competed for jobs with their elders in an effort to make a contribution to their families.
Turns out, about 1 million children age 10 to 15 were working in America in 1920 (out of a total population of 12 million kids in that age range). About half worked on family farms. The rest did everything else, working in factories, trained as apprentices, and served as messengers.
n November 1963, President Ngô Đình Diệm of South Vietnam was deposed by a group of Army of the Republic of Vietnam officers who disagreed with his handling of both the Buddhist crisis and the Viet Cong threat to the regime.
The Kennedy administration had been aware of the coup planning,[3] but Cable 243 from the United States Department of State to US Ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., stated that it was US policy[4] not to try to stop it. Lucien Conein, the Central Intelligence Agency’s liaison between the US embassy and the coup planners, told them that the US would not intervene to stop it. Conein also provided funds to the coup leaders.[5]
The coup was led by General Dương Văn Minh and started on 1 November. It proceeded smoothly as many loyalist leaders were captured after being caught off-guard and casualties were light. Diệm was captured and executed the next day along
Soviet Central Asia alludes to the area of Central Asia in the past constrained by the Soviet Union, just as the period of Soviet organization (1918–1991). Focal Asian SSRs announced freedom in 1991. Regarding territory, it is almost synonymous with Russian Turkestan, the name for the area during the Russian Empire.
Focal Asia is an area in the Asian mainland that stretches out from the mountains of western China to the shores of the Sea Caspian. Pakistan and Iran make the southern fringe of the district, and the immense breadth of Russia is toward the north.
It was an agreement between Spain and Portuguese over the confusion of newly claimed land.