In conclusion she realizes that she got $50 000 when pushing the button, but that it had cost her her husband.
i think thats what it is!
noun menace plural noun menaces
a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger.
a threatening quality, tone, or atmosphere.
threat ominousness intimidation warning ill-omen commination
a person or thing that causes trouble or annoyance.
verb menace 3rd person present menaces past tense menaced past participle menaced gerund or present participle menacing
threaten, especially in a malignant or hostile manner.
After a loved one dies, people often wonder whether they could have done anything to prevent the tragedy. For example, if there was no monkey's paw in this story, Mrs. White might have blamed herself for not stopping Herbert from going to work that day. We know that W.W. Jacobs lost his mother when he was young.
In the story, all children are asleep, therefore, the reader would not have known about Sophie's troubled sleep.