In the periodic tables metals are on the left side and nonmetals are in the right side.... so we can know whether an element is metal or nonmetal by it's position on the periodic table..
Bermuda grass is successful in preventing soil erosion
because the roots of the Bermuda grass can grow deep and it can reach 6 feet
deep more on its surface. Also when the Bermuda grass is damaged it can grow
back quickly.
They are buried in the core of the structure.
e) Political governance.
b) Health.
d) Personal activities, including work.
c) Education.
f) Social recreation issues.
g) Environmental conditions (current and future conditions).
a) Material life
h) Financial safety and security.
The quality of life is an index that is calculated by using different estimators that covers diverse aspects of human life such as, among others health, safety, happiness, security, transportation, etc. The INEGI (National Institute of Statistics and Geography, Mexico) calculates the quality of life by using the estimators above described (and others). In my opinion, the most important one of this list is political governance, because it is an underlying characteristic that has a direct effect on the further estimators, thereby affecting their performance in a short/medium-term period.
B. an atom
Atoms are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements.