Imaoo sameeee they always doing the most
Chisholm´s use of repetition draws attention to the heart of the matter she wants to point out ; discrimination for women.Discrimination is a word she repeats as she wants to show that women were considered inferior for certains posts, so inferior that the fact that they are able to become representatives in Congress needs a celebration or a great display.She is ironic in the sense that she knows women understand what she is talking about , but still uses repetition to be emphatic and to show frustration at so many years of not being recognized...." calculated system of prejudice..."..I am not stranger to prejudice.."She is persuasive because by mentioning women and their inferiority suffered for so long , which was created for them from a men´s world, she is expressing change is at hand.
Every job is unique and valuable to America.
Senator Joseph McCarthy delivered the Wheeling, West Virginia speech on February 9, 1950. Right there he reminded Abraham Lincoln’s phrase “when a great democracy is destroyed, it will not be from enemies from without, but rather because of enemies from within.”
This argument was a key moment in McCarthy speech because he grabbed the audience’s attention and made a clear point from the beginning. As Lincoln's did in his “Lyceum Address”, Senator McCarthy warned that the danger to the U. S. was not foreign menaces but domestic.
The speech was delivered in Lincoln Day, and when he stated that they were there to “celebrate the one hundred forty-first birthday of one of the greatest men in American history”, he wanted to reinforce that Lincoln was an outstanding man who influenced America and warned about the internal problems of the country.