A. technology can be used to overcome physical barriers and boundaries
The ability to dam water and use of improved transportation are clear proofs of how we can overcome physical barriers and boundaries.
- Dam water is an engineering revolution by which water can be made available all year round.
- Also, damage to the ecosystem caused by excess water is circumvented.
- Roads that are pliable are of huge important in breaching geographical imitations. A good transport system can make use of this connectivity.
- Air transportation has improved the ease of travel and reduced travel time greatly.
- Both dams and good transportation are clear engineering solutions to overcome limitations of nature.
erode means to wear away slowly
The Yangtze River is south of the Yellow River and flows in the same direction (west to east). It is 3,988 miles long and is the third longest river in the world. Just like the Yellow River, the Yangtze played an important role in the development of the culture and civilization of Ancient China.