When You Are Not Offered the Job 1. During your job search, if you interviewed but failed to receive a job offer, do not be di
scouraged. There are several steps you can take to increase the probability for success in your next interview. 2. First, consider your overall appearance and make sure you convey professionalism. Ensure that your clothes are clean and that they fit properly. Have a hairstyle that is flattering and well kept; check that your fingernails and jewelry are appropriate and do not distract from your personality and job skills. 3. Mentally review job interview questions that were asked and the responses you provided. Every answer should communicate how your skills will assist the target company in achieving success. Review the amount of company research you conducted. Did you feel amply prepared, or did you simply research the bare minimum? If you felt you did conduct the appropriate amount of research, assess whether you fully communicated your research to the interviewer. 4. Assess your body language and attitude. Stand in front of a mirror and practice your answers to difficult questions. If possible, have a friend videotape you and provide an evaluation of your appearance, attitude, and body language. Check for nervous gestures, and keep practicing until you are able to control these nervous habits. 5. Finally, be honest with your overall performance. Did you ask for the job? Did you immediately send a thank-you note to your interviewer? Sell your skills through your mannerisms, answers, and attitude. Your goal is to stand out above the other candidates.