Praemonēre: to warn in advance
Mr. Jeff had a PREMONITION about his daughter and had to WARN her IN ADVANCE.
Attangere: Arrive at
In your quest to ATTAIN success you will have to ARRIVE AT the top of wealth.
Altus: high
To know how HIGH they were in the sky the pilot had to check his ALTIMETER.
Tentāculum: feel
The octupus uses its TENTACLES to FEEL underwater to aid movement.
Prohibitus: keep off
The border control KEEPS OFF criminals by PROHIBITING illegal entry to the country.
Verbōsus: word
Your application is too VERBOSE as there are to many WORDS.
Docēre: teach
We need to TEACH kids science at school rather than INDOCTRINATING them with religious texts.
Visus: look
The VISOR's role is to protect the face and enable one to LOOK clearly.
Mansio: abide
The celebrity built a MANSION to ABIDE in.
Avocationem: distraction
For DISTRACTION, I breed horses as an avocation.