Can you do this in engllish plzzz
Tell me the magazine titles then ill help you out
Its either B or C.
never the last one, it actually is better to have points from the other side stated in your argument. But then you refute them it helps with your argument.
1. ??, a Milano
2. in Italia
3. in bicicletta
4. a casa
5. Con chi?, alla montagna, con Anna e Chiara
6. il treno, l'areo
7. in classe, in biblioteca
8. vicino
9. Per chi, per
10. Per chi, per
11. a casa, in biblioteca
12. in estate
13. a un
14. a Milano, a Bologna
15. a Venezia
16. a pomeriggio?
17. vicino
18. a
19. alla montagna con i miei amici
20. in compagna, in citta'
In terms of locations, cities are ALWAYS "a ___". Countries are ALWAYS "in ____"