What is the structure of the following sentence? complex.
Y’all don’t know how to get to me see the answer I
There is a sense of responsibility associated with completing their homework. Children feel responsible for finishing homework and accomplished when they do it. They start allotting their time to study and play thus learning to complete their scheduled tasks in the time they have. Moreover, they learn to do things on their own. They manage their time and complete their work independently. Homework encourages self-discipline in students. homework helps the children learn with interest. Teachers give comments on the work they do. produced better exam results,
Homework should not become a punishment. Parents can take the responsibility to give strengthen by supporting their children in their home assignments. Parents must take interest in the homework given to their children. They must help their kids do their homework.
homework actually give many advantages to students and it is helpful to help students to be more understand on what they had learn from what their teachers teach. homework helps teachers determine how well the lessons are being understood by their students. I totally agreed with topic is homework harmful or helpful to students because for my opinion, I choose that homework are helpful to students.
Handel is to knife as hilt is to sword
In psychology, shaping refers to the process of reinforcing successively closer and closer approximations to a desired terminal behavior.
Shaping has different stages:
- Reinforce any response that in some way resembles the desired behavior.
- Reinforce the response that closely approximates the desired behavior
- Reinforce the response that resembles the terminal behavior even more closely.
- Continue reinforcing closer and closer approximations to the terminal behavior
- Reinforce only the terminal behavior.
As you can see shaping starts by reinforcing any response that resembles the desired terminal behavior and then it finishes by reinforcing only the terminal behavior.
In this example, <u>the therapist initially gave him a piece of chocolate any time he made a sound with his lips</u>. Then <u>he only received a piece of chocolate for saying complete words</u>. Finally, <u>he would get the chocolate for saying complete sentences. </u>
Thus, this is an example of shaping, since the reinforcements where changing as the behavior got closer and closer to the terminal desired behavior.