Este material añadido caliente se enfría por conducción y convección de calor. En los bordes de consumo de la placa, el material se ha contraído térmicamente hasta volverse denso, y se hunde bajo su propio peso en el proceso de subducción, generalmente en una fosa oceánicase. es verdadero
Sediments are used to provide the proxies to understand the environmental changes as, the sediments are formed by the activity of the weathering from the wind, glacier and the water. The different weathering agent and other transportation agent are different types of the mark over the sediments that help in the study of the past environment.
this is my answer hopes it helps you out
i choose A the atmosphere
1.rock gets destroyed
2.rock get stuck under sailers shoe
3.sailer walks on land
4. sees rock under shoe
5. he takes of rock from shoe and throws it away
6. millions of years later you step on that same grabit